Friday, February 28, 2025

My Beatlepile


Forgot One Two Three Four by Craig Brown, which is excellent. 


  1. Back in my day, it was Tell Me Why by Tim Riley, The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions by Mark Lewisohn, and The Beatles: Compete Scores.

    Did you know that David Bowie took a first pass at translating the French song that inspired ‘My Way’? It got slighted in favor of the version written by Paul Anka specifically for Frank Sinatra. Supposedly, Bowie's unused version infused itself into ‘Life on Mars’ from Hunky Dory. Meanwhile, Frank reportedly grew to hate ‘My Way’.

    I just learned this somewhere, probably on YouTube.

    1. Ha ha, well, hopefully you will get to use that information on Trivial Pursuit one day. And no, I did not know that.

      Tune In by Lewisohn is supposed to be good. What is it, 800 pages? But to me, that's about the least interesting part of their career.
